Learn something new through his story, told lightly

Author: Adam Fuelling

Born and raised in the Sacramento area, Adam Fuelling works as an independent IT consulting providing businesses with guidance and support for their information technology systems. An avid runner and enjoyer of the outdoors, Adam has completed notable marathons and hikes in the region.

Growing up the Caring Oddball

Adam Fuelling was a unique teenager, possessing both introverted and extroverted qualities. Despite his oddball nature and sometimes intense sense of humor, he was a kind and caring person at heart.

Growing up, Adam struggled to find his place in the world. This was an internal and external struggle as he and his family found themselves moving a lot around the area, from Sacramento to Fair Oaks to Citrus Heights, and other suburbs in the region. On the outside, it was both the battle of a teenager becoming an adult mixed with his personality traits.

From the outside, he was often seen as a lone, due to his focused nature and quirky personality. He used his sense of humor as a shield, using it to deflect any negative comments that came his way.

As he got older, Adam began to realize that his introverted and extroverted qualities were not mutually exclusive. He found that he could be both shy and outgoing at the same time, and that this was what made him so unique. He learned to embrace his quirks, using them publicly.

Sometimes he would use humor in tense situations as a way of diffusing and bringing people together. Whether or not he was successful in his attempts, he got a laugh for his absurdity.

Despite his oddball antics and jokes, Adam was a caring person who wanted to make those around him comfortable and happy. He was a sounding board to the problems of friends and strangers, as he made himself available, listened intently, and tried to provide constructive feedback. It was also important to Adam to give his time and energy when people were in need, whether it was a homeless person in need of change or some food, a friend needing a place to stay, or a loved one who needed a loan.

Work, Friends, Family, Life – Adam Fuelling

Adam Fuelling wears many hats. He is a technology consultant, a friend, a father, a brother, a son, a partner, and a deep thinker.

In his professional life, Adam helps companies navigate the ever-changing landscape of technology. He is an expert in finding solutions to complex problems and streamlining processes to make businesses more efficient. His clients appreciate his ability to explain technical concepts in layman’s terms and his dedication to finding the best possible outcome for their company. He loves being the IT guy, providing technical support to those businesses who need it.

Outside of work, Adam enjoys spending time with friends and family, and is known for his oddball personality. He is always up for a good conversation and is a great listener. His friends value his sense of humor and his ability to put them at ease in any situation.

In addition to his professional and social pursuits, he spends time pondering the big questions of life and is always seeking to understand the world and his place in it. He is a lifelong learner and is always seeking to expand his knowledge and understanding of the world, and the future.

All in all, Adam Fuelling is a well-rounded individual who is dedicated to his work, partner, friends, family and his own personal growth.

Elementary Years of Adam Fuelling

Adam Fuelling was born in Sacramento, California. He lived in Sacramento during his first years of life until his family moves to the town of Fair Oaks nearby. During his middle and late grade school years his family moved around the area, but they always resided in the county.

From a very young age Adam Fuelling had a creative imagination and a curiosity to explore. His attraction to explore quickly led to the areas of science, electronics and multimedia.

In grade school, Adam Fuelling paid close attention to science. All areas of science appealed to him at one point or another during his time in school from geology to behavioral psychology. Certain subject matters drew him in like the pull of gravity. Physical science, in particular, was one of his favorites.

Since science required a great deal of descriptive language and an advanced vocabulary he also worked hard in these areas.

While various topics held his interest during his elementary, middle and high school years, Adam Fuelling didn’t do the best in all subjects. Physical education and mathematics weren’t his strong areas early on. This is interesting to many given the fact that Adam is an accomplished runner, having ran several marathons to this day, and pro-grams code for clients and in his spare time.

Adam Fuelling is known for having one of the most interesting imaginations. This came from a childhood where he didn’t hold back. He used that imagination in play as well in his educational pursuits and work.

He enjoyed being a creative contributor in his friends group. During elementary school he would create short stories, theatrical skits and music for those around him. His friends were also fans of the creative arts so their contributions made friendly competition a constant. To this day, Adam Fuelling is known for his creativity and what he brings forth in his work and personal life. A key trait that has benefited him through-out life.

Adam Fuelling was seen as both a kid who could concentrate, tuning out the world of distractions, and an oddball, whose silly jokes and physical humor commanded the attention of his friends, family, and anyone in the room.

While his spontaneous and oddball demonstrations would make Adam seem like an extrovert, Adam was mostly an introverted child. Like any introvert, he enjoyed his time alone to recharge his social energy and imagination.

His outward humor amongst the people in his life was a way of making other people happy. Kindness toward others was a motto he adopted and would hold onto for life.

Evolution of Adam Fuelling’s Tech Interests

The world offers numerous options when it comes to picking activities and interests.

Throughout his life Adam Fuelling has explored different interests in his personal life. His interests have varied from childhood to early adulthood to middle adulthood, as it does with many people.

In his youth, he was shy, quiet and reserved. He kept to his close group of friends who had similar interests as him: science, electronics, technology and video games. He didn’t explore athletic endeavors like many other kids his age. He instead chose to let his curiosity take him into those worlds mentioned above.

At age 8 his family got their first computer, which Adam Fuelling took the lead in managing. By that time, he has exposure to computers, but only through trips to the elementary school library or visits to his father’s office.

He was excited. Computers had interested him since the very beginning. It helped that he was an avid fan of the Star Trek genre at that point and dreamt of hidden, advanced voice-activated computer systems surrounding people and helping manage our lives and taking us around the galaxy.

The focus he had on working with technology lasted throughout grade school. He didn’t stop with computer hard and software, though. His father let him work summers for him producing marketing material for his real estate business. He started with the desktop publishing producing flyers, business cards and invoices.

Soon after, he began learning graphics design. Initially, through low-end programs like Microsoft Paint. Later, with Adobe Photoshop.

Adam Fuelling would become the go to person for altering photos, designing logos and templates, creating professional-looking marketing materials by the colleagues and business as-sociates of his father.

It wasn’t long before he began working with websites. It was the dawn of the public internet and Adam saw the potential in what could be created.

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